Before AMP's & 808's reveals our 'One To Record' for 2011, first a little back story. It was early evening on an even earlier November in midtown Manhattan. I was just an English tourist heading to the Penn St subway, disappointed that the Knick game I booked tickets for was 'rained off'. This was the first time this has happened in the NBA in 14 years and the one time this basketball mad, British boy would have a chance to see the mecca of basketball. Still everything happens for a reason. Winding through the underground staircases and mazes of commuters, I heard one of my favourite songs ring out from the first line as if it was meant to be, "If you ever change your mind/about leaving, leaving me behind". It was Sam Cooke's, 'Bring It On Home To Me', an epic, classic soul record. A song I've loved ever since I heard the iconic 'Harlem Square Club' live version portrayed on the opening montage of the Will Smith, classic movie, 'Ali'. The sound I was following was different to David Elliott's portrayal however... and better. Trying to catch a glance through the crowds of people filming on their phones or memory banks, I saw five guys dressed to the nines, playing every instrument imaginable (and anything that can be used as bass). Then my attention shifted to the cool logo on the drum set and and even better name,'Roosevelt Dime'.
If you've seen the talent that lines New York subways from The Bronx to Staten Island, then be prepared, because you aint seen nothing like this Brooklyn act. This group are so talented and gifted taking you from Mississippi right back to Harlem Square. If you've heard you will have checked them out by now, but if your listening, you should really tune in. With some great records available for sale ('Wishing Well EP', 'Crooked Roots' and 'Live At The Kings County Opry' (where Sam can be found)) and more coming soon ('Steamboat Soul'), billboards or your best offer this band already have great music out there. Awaking the classic, look and feel of every note from bluegrass to folk, to country and Motown, this band really are the roots of great music. Their presidential sound couldn't be more distinctly American. I mean real America, and remember I'm just a tourist. You should take a journey two, from the beautiful banjo of 'East Virginia Blues' to the out of this world, timeless qualities of 'Man On The Moon' and every port of call in between. One way or another this band are going to make it. Their songs are unimaginably original and definite. They may be playing a few stops from Times Square right now, but soon their name's will be in similair lights. You can bet your last dime on that. TIM DAVID HARVEY.
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